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USDA scholarships for students at historically Black colleges on hold
The scholarship covered full tuition and fees for students studying agriculture, food or natural resource sciences.
Seasonal firefighter job offers rescinded due to federal hiring freeze
Jobs report shows a hiring slowdown
California airport control tower set to go dark by end of week
US hiring grows at end of Biden term, report shows
Iceland embraced a shorter work week. Here's how it turned out
Disney Dreamers Academy alum connects with 'Shark Tank' star
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Marcelino Cantu: A legacy of service
OC high school hosts 'Draft Day' for student work-study program
Women inmates receive job training skills as part of prison program
LA Downtown Women's Center helps women rebuild lives, enter workforce
Aim High Flight Academy lets students learn from Air Force pilots
Baby Boomer retirement wave creates new job opportunities
Proposed CA law could force some stores to do away with self-checkout
Irvine-based Rivian slashing jobs for second time this year
Lawsuit filed against FTC less than 24 hours after ban on noncompetes
New federal rule would bar 'noncompete' agreements for most employees
This French café in New York is serving inclusion in every cup
This camp inspires kids to build a career in construction and beyond
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More Stories
Seasonal firefighter job offers rescinded due to federal hiring freeze
Jobs report shows a hiring slowdown
California airport control tower set to go dark by end of week
US hiring grows at end of Biden term, report shows
Iceland embraced a shorter work week. Here's how it turned out
Disney Dreamers Academy alum connects with 'Shark Tank' star
Marcelino Cantu: A legacy of service
OC high school hosts 'Draft Day' for student work-study program
Women inmates receive job training skills as part of prison program
LA Downtown Women's Center helps women rebuild lives, enter workforce
Aim High Flight Academy lets students learn from Air Force pilots
Baby Boomer retirement wave creates new job opportunities
Proposed CA law could force some stores to do away with self-checkout
Irvine-based Rivian slashing jobs for second time this year
Lawsuit filed against FTC less than 24 hours after ban on noncompetes
New federal rule would bar 'noncompete' agreements for most employees
This French café in New York is serving inclusion in every cup
This camp inspires kids to build a career in construction and beyond
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