Plane dumps fire retardant on news crew covering wildfires

Monday, August 17, 2015
Plane dumps fire retardant on Washington news crew during wildfires
Wildfires continue in several western states, including Washington, where a plane dumped fire retardant on a news crew with cameras rolling. (Good Morning America)

A news crew covering wildfires in Washington state found out first-hand what it's like to get doused in fire retardant.

Eric Jensen, a photographer for ABC affiliate KOMO in Seattle, was covering the wildfires near Chelan, Wash. He had his camera rolling when a plane carrying fire retardant flew directly overhead, dousing him and his camera in the slick red solution. Bystanders started running down the hill when they noticed the plane was coming. Jensen, though, stayed behind to capture the shot.

The photographer said on Twitter he was able to get himself and his gear mostly cleaned up, though it took some elbow grease.

Fire retardant is made out of material similar to fertilizer, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. If you have to come in contact with it, they recommend wearing protective clothing and covering your mouth to keep from ingesting it.

The wildfire in Chelan forced hundreds of evacuations and has burned at least 75 homes, KOMO reports.

"I've fought fire in the past, but it's different when your home, your family, and all your possessions are sitting in the way," evacuee Joel Bernatz told KOMO.

The wildfire around Chelan was just one of several fires blazing around the western part of the country. Over the weekend, firefighters also worked to tame wildfires in California, Oregon, Idaho and Colorado.

ABC News and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

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