Tom Gores' uncle speaks

GENESEE COUNTY "I am very proud of him, so proud it is unbelievable," Joubran said. "He will make something out if it. He will be number one."

Joubran has a lot of faith in his nephew because he knows how hard Gores has worked. Joubran even had a hand in his success from the beginning

"I sponsored my sister and her kids years ago to come to the United States," Joubran said. Gores was one of those children.

The family made their home in Genesee County. Gores even worked in one of his uncle's stores. Now, he's a billionaire and the owner of the Detroit Pistons.

"They will bring them right back up. He will bring the Pistons up and I will guarantee you that," Gores said.

According to his uncle, Tom Gores has never forgotten the area and makes donations to local organizations.

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