Sen. Joe Manchin, a West Virginia Democrat and A-rated member of the National Rifle Association, said legislation can't be made with a narrow scope that only addresses gun regulation or the mental health system.
"As adults we have a responsibility to sit down and have an adult dialogue and try to have a comprehensive package that works," he said.
The NRA, however, is gearing up for battle.
"You don't want to bet your house on the outcome, but I would say that the likelihood is that they are not going to be able to get an assault weapons ban through this Congress," said David Keene, the NRA president.
Vice President Joe Biden met with several stakeholders in the gun debate last week. He is expected to make recommendations to President Barack Obama on how to reduce gun violence by Tuesday.
Sen. Charles Schumer (D-New York) is calling on stores that sell firearms to take the first step.
"I'm urging our country's major gun retailers like Wal-Mart and Sports Authority to suspend sales of modern assault-style weapons until Congress is able to fully consider and vote on legislation to curb gun violence," he said.
While solutions are discussed in Washington, the police investigation into the tragedy at Sandy Hook has not been concluded and Newtown is still grieving.