Firefighters perform brush clearance, check structural integrity of homes in Altadena
Firefighters marched into the foothills above Altadena to perform brush clearance in the Eaton Fire burn area, while also going door-to-door and checking the structural integrity of homes that remained standing.
The firefighters -- carrying chainsaws, axes and spade shovels -- were seen walking in a single-file line through a residential neighborhood that abuts a hillside, where they worked to clear out fuels for another brush fire.
Cal Fire personnel were also conducting inspections in the Eaton Fire zone that were 45% complete Wednesday afternoon, examining houses and other structures that were not destroyed.

Among the surviving homes was the one owned by a man who stayed behind during the wildfire. In an interview, he described how he used water hoses and buckets to protect the house from flying embers.
"I have a two-story house, so I was up on both floors -- the ground floor and the second floor, spraying into it. I had some good nozzles," he said in an interview. "And then at that one time when the wind did cease and the embers stopped coming in like crazy, that's when I decided I could try to go across the street and fight the fire before it got to my neighbors' houses.
"But I was able to stop it there and another house around the corner," he said, his voice choked with emotion.