LAUSD not ready to ditch mask mandate as California lifts requirement in schools

Marc Cota-Robles Image
Monday, March 14, 2022
California school mask mandate lifted, but not for LAUSD
Starting Monday, many school districts throughout California will be ditching their mask mandates for students and teachers, but not the L.A. Unified School District.

LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Starting Monday, many school districts throughout California will be ditching their mask mandates for students and teachers, but not the Los Angeles Unified School District.

Now that the rate of hospitalizations and virus transmission has dropped significantly, the state of California has decided to lift its indoor mask mandate for schools, but districts can make their own decisions.

Parents of students in the L.A. Unified School District are wondering when their kids will be allowed to take the facial coverings off.

"I think it's time. If it's time for us adults to take them off I think it's time for the children to take them off," said parent Elisa Smith.

"Online learning was a nightmare, and we're very glad to be back," said parent David Webber. "But we can't wait until everybody's unmasked, if they're OK with that."

On Friday night, LAUSD officials issued a statement saying they are still working with labor partners, including the teachers' union to transition from requiring indoor masking to strongly recommending it.

That means when kids go back to classrooms in Los Angeles on Monday, they will have to keep their masks on. Some parents say they aren't ready for a change in the rules.

"I think it should be anyone's choice. I'm not against it or for it," said parent Liz Ash.

"I want them to keep it on. I do. Personally. Why? Because it's still out there, the virus, just to be safe," said parent Claudia Angulo.

The school district said a follow-up session to discuss the matter is scheduled for March 16.

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