LeBron James Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

Monday, October 3, 2016

NBA star LeBron James is endorsing Hillary Clinton for president, praising her in an op-ed in an Akron, Ohio, newspaper for her record on children and education.

James, the Cleveland Cavaliers forward who grew up in Akron and lives there now, wrote in the op-ed posted on Business Insider that will be published in the Akron Business Journal on Monday, that "Only one person running truly understands the struggles of an Akron child born into poverty."

"That candidate is Hillary Clinton," he wrote.

James describes the work of the foundation he established in Northeast Ohio when he was drafted into the NBA, which he says gives kids in Akron "the resources and opportunities they need to stay in school and reach their dreams through education."

"Like my foundation, Hillary has always been a champion for children and their futures. For over 40 years, she's been working to improve public schools, expand access to health care, support children's hospitals, and so much more," he wrote.

James also connected Clinton to the legacy of President Obama, whom he calls "my good friend."

He praised Clinton for her efforts to address the violence he says is experienced in the African-American community.

"I am not a politician, I don't know everything it will take finally to end the violence. But I do know we need a president who brings us together and keeps us unified. Policies and ideas that divide us more are not the solution," he wrote. "We must all stand together - no matter where we are from or the color of our skin. And Hillary is running on the message of hope and unity that we need."

James is a 12-time All-Star, a four-time NBA Most Valuable Player who has played on three NBA championship teams. He has three NBA Finals MVP awards, two Olympic gold medals, an NBA scoring title, and the NBA Rookie of the Year Award.

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