Pet owner records adorably sad video after leaving his dog home alone

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Monday, December 29, 2014
A dog owner attached a GoPro camera to his canine's collar. The resulting video was heartbreaking.

Dog owners often wonder what their furry best friends do in their absence. But one canine owner captured the adorably sad truth of what his dog does once he leaves the house.

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Mike the Intern, a radio host for 104.7 FM located in Springfield, Mo., uploaded the following video to YouTube of his dog with a GoPro camera strapped to his collar. After Mike leaves the house, the camera captures the dog pacing back and forth between rooms, trying to find its faithful and devoted owner. But when he is nowhere to be found, the dog huddles up on a pile of laundry on top of his bed and howls his loneliness to the world.

"I've had him for six years and today is the first day I have heard him howl,"Mike said in a thread on Reddit. Mike says that he used to have a bulldog as a companion for this canine, but had no reason to suspect his dog was becoming this lonely.

"He has never acted out before.... never destroyed stuff or anything... so I had no reason to believe he was losing it this bad," Mike wrote on Reddit. Check out the adorably heartbreaking video above.

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