Jilted husband comes up with 101 uses for his ex-wife's wedding dress

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Thursday, November 20, 2014
From table covers to oven mitts and all the scarecrows and hammocks inbetween, Kevin Cotter always finds a unique use for his ex-wife's wedding dress.
Kevin Cotter

Sometimes marriages just don't work out. When Kevin Cotter's wife of 12 years left him in 2009, she left behind only a wedding dress.

"'What do you expect me to do with it?' I asked. And to that she replied, 'Whatever the $%@# you want,'" Cotter wrote on his blog.

And from there, a new romance blossomed. Cotter has found over 100 inventive, unconventional, and always hilarious new uses for his ex-wife's wedding dress. Shower curtain? Wedding dress fits. Pasta strainer? Wedding dress drains noodles effectively. Scarecrow? Wedding dress keeps all crops safe and sound. Cotter shares his adventures in wedding dress recycling on his blog, "My Ex-Wife's wedding dress."

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Cotter's blog has grown in popularity since being launched in 2011. It's even become a book, titled "101 Uses For My Ex-Wife's Wedding Dress."

Despite the dress's success, some people aren't so happy about Cotter's new found dress fame.

"She's not a fan," Cotter told ABC of his ex's thoughts on his project.

You can learn more about "My Ex-Wife's wedding dress" at the links below.

My Ex-Wife's Wedding Dress website.

My Ex-Wife's Wedding Dress Facebook.

"101 Uses for My Ex-Wife's Wedding Dress" book.

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