Click in the Eyewitness News story window above to watch Subha Ravindhran's live report from the scene, including an interview with an LAPD detective.
Officers say the suspects in this shooting apparently fled on foot. They're hoping someone will come forward and help them find these suspects.
Police say at least two suspects walked up to a man who was standing near the corner of Van Ness Avenue and Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood and shot him. A lot of neighbors heard the gunfire and saw the suspects running away when they looked out their windows. They also saw the victim lying on the sidewalk.
At first some witnesses thought that the victim was probably a homeless man, but police say that is not the case. They have identified the victim but are waiting to release his name pending notification of his family.
Police say residents in the neighborhood have been very helpful with their eye witness accounts. Some of them even tried to help the victim after he was shot.
"What we've been told is that some residents did come out and tried to give first aid to this gentleman until the ambulance arrived," said Detective Wendi Berndt of the LAPD. "Police arrived, he was nonresponsive and was pronounced [dead] at the scene."
Authorities are now on the hunt for the suspects responsible for this murder. At this point, they have no motive or leads. They can't even say if this was a gang-related shooting.
If you have any information, you're asked to call the LAPD Hollywood Homicide Division at (213) 972-2910.