Aaron is a young man who wants to share all he knows and even sees it as an opportunity and obligation.
"It really feels like you've done something, just helping somebody. It's your own civic duty to help others and if you just stick with yourself, you're just keeping the knowledge for yourself and that's not really a good thing to do," Aaron said.
One of Aaron's students is a former teacher herself. His teaching style is both admired by and familiar to her.
"I like it if you take time, you're patient, you don't come across as if you're a dodo. That's important. I tried to do that. I'm feeling that from Aaron," Doris Eames said.
While he supplies one-on-one instruction, Aaron sees his lessons as only a part of a much bigger picture.
"It's called 'intentional civility.' Basically, it's your civic duty to help others. If everybody is just thinking about themselves, then our society would collapse," Aaron said.
Bringing together previous generations with present-day technology, he is our Cool Kid, Aaron Johnson.
Know a deserving young adult who should be one of the ABC7 Cool Kids? Share their story and nominate someone today.