Del Rio put out her own message - a photo of the daughter she lost 11 years ago. Theresa Del Rio, 20, was shot and killed while driving in Los Angeles in 1999.
"The person that murdered my daughter has gutted me already," said Del Rio. "He's taken my soul. He's taken everything from me. I can't feel the fear in me. I'm not afraid."
Del Rio is on the board of Crimestoppers and helps other mothers making posters and distributing flyers to help the victims of crime and their families. She said she thinks the gang members mistakenly believed she was a police informant.
"This is how I handle my grief and for them to put a hit on a grieving mother - I think that's really low, especially when they've got the wrong information," she said.
Police were investigating the matter and have stepped up patrols in Del Rio's neighborhood.