An emotional Tony Grigsby hobbled up to the microphones, clutching his cane after being shot in the foot twice. He has been with the TSA since December 2004. He's a behavioral detection officer, and he's not the only TSA officer in his family. His mother has worked at LAX for the last six years.
The 36-year-old said he joined the TSA because he wanted to help protect people.
With his tearful grandmother and mother by his side, he talked about how the gunman turned on him as he was helping an elderly man get to safety after the first round of gunfire erupted in the airport.
"I turned around, and there was a gunman, and he shot me twice." Grigsby said. "All I could think about was helping them. I may be injured right now, but the concern was really (them)."
Grigsby says he is getting better, but his heart breaks for Hernandez's family as they have suffered such a devastating loss.