LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Our ABC7 Cool Kid for Thursday, Aug. 18, is Gabriella Blum, who volunteers at the Jewish World Watch to advocate and educate others about global genocides and mass atrocities.
"These genocides, to get them to stop, people need to be educated about what's even going on in the first place so that these historic events aren't going to happen in the future," Gabriella said.
The 16-year-old is working on creating a teen ambassador program for kids interested in learning about past and recent massacres, and most importantly how to prevent them.
"The number of people that she's touched already and educated, not only about the organization but about the cause, is amazing. Last year she reached about 3,000 campers," Gabriella's mom, Rachel Blum, said.
She dreams to be a representative one day.
Watch the video player about for Mayde Gomez's full report on this week's Cool Kid.