Margit Arrobio purchased five Powerball tickets at a local Shell gas station Wednesday evening for a chance to win that night's jackpot, which at the time was $360 million.
The next morning, Arrobio tuned into ABC's Good Morning America for the winning numbers and found out that her card matched all six numbers, but the television show reported that no winning ticket had been sold.
So what was the problem? Arrobio bought her ticket a little too late.
"I called my gas station where I bought the ticket and I said, 'I don't get it. I have every number and yet they say there's no winner,'" Arrobio said.
The person at the gas station asked her what time she made the purchase, and that's when Arrobio realized she'd bought the ticket around 8 p.m., about an hour after the numbers had already been announced.
Arrobio said she was first shocked and then disappointed.
The Powerball jackpot climbed up to $590.5 million on Saturday. The single winning ticket was sold at a supermarket in Florida.