Anabel Munoz
Anabel Munoz is a general assignment reporter for ABC7 Eyewitness News in Los Angeles, covering Race and Culture. She is dedicated to surfacing stories about the most vulnerable, underrepresented and marginalized in the communities we serve.

Anabel was born and raised in Los Angeles -- a city she loves for its people, diversity, beauty and influence. She is a graduate of Biola University, where she majored in journalism and minored in biblical studies.

Anabel came to ABC7 from Noticias MundoFOX 22, where she worked as an anchor and reporter. She began her career as a news assistant and assignment editor at KMEX Univision Los Angeles before reporting for Univision Palm Springs.

Anabel is passionate about participating in community events, public affairs reporting, and sharing stories about the homeless and special needs community.

She is the proud daughter of Mexican immigrants and was compelled to become a journalist at an early age -- Anabel believes in the power of journalism to inspire, change the world and be a voice for those most in need.

Some of Anabel's favorite things include Sundays, beach days, swimming, all things Italian, and burgers and fries.

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ABC7 Broadcast Center
Attn: Anabel Munoz
500 Circle Seven Drive
Glendale, CA 91201

Anabel's Stories
Incarcerated firefighters battling SoCal wildfires moved by outpouring support from the public
Incarcerated firefighters battling Southern California wildfires have been moved by the outpouring of support from the public. "When the community comes out and shows the love and the outpouring, it just really feels good. It feels like someone cares."
Family loses 5 generations of memories in LA's Eaton Fire
Janice Jackson was born in Pittsburgh, but moved to California as a teenager in 1964. Her mother was the second Black woman to live in the Altadena community, according to her family.
Generations of Black families built their lives in Altadena. Then the Eaton Fire swept through LA
During the illegal and discriminatory practice of redlining, generations of Black families put down roots in Altadena where they could buy homes.
Hallan el cuerpo de una mujer tras incendio en vivienda de San Marino, según las autoridades
Una mujer fue encontrada sin vida el lunes por la mañana después de que los bomberos extinguieran un incendio en una vivienda de San Marino, según informaron las autoridades.
California incrementa a nivel histórico los permisos familiares pagados y beneficios por incapacidad
Una nueva ley de California pretende aliviar la carga financiera de las familias que acaban de tener un hijo.
California increases paid family leave and disability benefits to historic levels
A new California law aims to ease the financial burden during some of life's biggest transitions and challenges.
La Lotería de California recauda más de $2B para escuelas públicas tras récord de ventas
La Lotería del Estado de California dice que las escuelas públicas del estado también salen ganando, especialmente con un récord de $9.27 billones en ventas durante el año fiscal 2023-24.
Inquilinos de Skid Row demandan por condiciones de vida inseguras y deplorables en su edificio
Los inquilinos de un complejo de apartamentos de apoyo de Skid Row han presentado una demanda por condiciones de vida inseguras, como cucarachas, chinches y fugas de aguas residuales.
California Lottery raises more than $2 billion for public schools after record sales
The California State Lottery says the state's public schools also come out winners, especially with a record $9.27 billion in sales during fiscal year 2023-24.
Ladrones roban el equipo de trabajo de la camioneta de un jardinero de Montebello en Navidad
A un jardinero de Montebello le robaron todo su equipo de trabajo en Navidad, y su familia está haciendo todo lo posible por recuperarlo.