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pet care
What to know after pet microchip registry abruptly closes
The American Animal Hospital Association says the microchip registry of Save This Life abruptly closed and their database is gone.
'Nuevo Chip Chicks' offers free microchips, vaccines for IE pet owners
Amazon Pet Day deals 2024
What does your dog like to watch on TV? How new study is helping vets
More than 100 dogs impacted by OC hangar fire relocated to Ohio
Hollywood Forever Cemetery seeking homes for 8 abandoned cats
Before you get pet insurance, read this
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San Gabriel Valley's first no-kill animal shelter now open
SoCal Petco stores to double as cooling centers for pets
Here are some items in your home that could be harmful to your pet
Mobile dog treadmill service gains popularity in SoCal
Pressure builds to fully reopen OC Animal Care to the public
Fontana couple furious after neighbor's dogs kill 2 of their poodles
LA animal shelters overcrowded, dogs aren't being walked daily: Report
Top tips to keep your pets safe and cool during dangerous heat
City officials blame staff shortage for issues at LA animal shelters
Bystander smashes car window to save dog left in SoCal heat
Pets can boost your brain power, study says
Dog rescued after getting stuck on side of cliff in Big Tujunga Canyon
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'Nuevo Chip Chicks' offers free microchips, vaccines for IE pet owners
Amazon Pet Day deals 2024
What does your dog like to watch on TV? How new study is helping vets
More than 100 dogs impacted by OC hangar fire relocated to Ohio
Hollywood Forever Cemetery seeking homes for 8 abandoned cats
Before you get pet insurance, read this
San Gabriel Valley's first no-kill animal shelter now open
SoCal Petco stores to double as cooling centers for pets
Here are some items in your home that could be harmful to your pet
Mobile dog treadmill service gains popularity in SoCal
Pressure builds to fully reopen OC Animal Care to the public
Fontana couple furious after neighbor's dogs kill 2 of their poodles
LA animal shelters overcrowded, dogs aren't being walked daily: Report
Top tips to keep your pets safe and cool during dangerous heat
City officials blame staff shortage for issues at LA animal shelters
Bystander smashes car window to save dog left in SoCal heat
Pets can boost your brain power, study says
Dog rescued after getting stuck on side of cliff in Big Tujunga Canyon
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